このプレミアムテーブルテニステーブルは選手権に適しています。 ITTFとNSCCによって承認されました。 シルバーアンダーキャリッジ+ブルーライト
続きを読むダブル・フィッシュ・スポーツがデザインした国際大会のための公式ピンポン表Volant Dream 2
続きを読むプレミアムダブルFoldableポータブル卓球テーブル、コンパクトなデザイン 新しい折り畳みシステムは、テーブルの保管と移動中の怪我のリスクを最小限に抑えます。 ITTFは卓球台を承認した。
続きを読むITTFは国際大会のための公式の耐久性のある卓球台を承認した。 テーブルボードの厚さ:25mm トーナメント品質 - このプロフェッショナルレベルのテーブルは、最高レベルの競争のために設計されています。 家族のために完璧な - すべての年齢のためのプレミアムプレイを提供します。頭を下げて行くか、個々の練習のために折りたたむ。 2インチの重いゲージスチールサポートは、最も困難な課題を抱えています。あなたのゲームルーム、デン、またはジムのための中心的なピース。 簡単な組み立て - 簡単なアセンブリで数分で演奏を開始します。高品質のネットには、簡単に取り付けられるロッククランプが装備されています。
続きを読むダブルフィッシュV40 + Volant 3スター卓球ボールは、ITTF最新のT3技術基準に確約されています。
続きを読む二重魚QIJIオールラウンド卓球ブレード、これは、ベストセラー卓球テーブルテニスブレードです 伝統的なallroundプレーヤーに最適
続きを読む19世紀末、キリスト教の伝来とともに、卓球も教会の協力を得て広州に初めて上陸しました。当時、真光や北営などの教会学校が最初にこのスポーツを紹介し、課外スポーツ活動に取り入れました。民国5年(1916年)、広州YMCAの新設体育館に特別な卓球室が設けられ、学生の練習だけでなく、社会の若者にも開放され、練習や競技活動が行われました。その影響は徐々に広がり、一部の学校や社会団体も追随しました。卓球は広州に根付き、発展し、徐々に広範な社会運動の潮流を形成しました② 。
清朝末期には、広州市越秀区文明路と文徳路一帯に、スポーツ用品を生産・経営する自営企業が10社以上出現していた。これらの自営企業の生産規模は小さく、主にバスケットボールのゴール、パラレルウッドなどの木製スポーツ用具を生産していた。1954年、広州のスポーツ用具業界は協同組合時代を迎え、個人の手工業世帯が3つのスポーツ用具生産協同組合を結成し、会員数は合計109名となった。調整を経て、文明路185号の永建運動用具有限公司③ (ダブルフィッシュ社の前身、以下「永建」と略す)のみが残った。会員数は43名で、生産現場は小さく、設備も遅れていた。次に、「永続的に闘い、民を強くし、国を振興する」という精神と理想を堅持し、学校の教育や訓練に使用するスポーツ用具④を生産している。
Guangzhou Sports Equipment Co., Ltd., which was incorporated into the cooperative factory in 1970, was renamed Oriental Sports Equipment Factory. In April 1975, the Oriental Sports Goods Cooperative Factory underwent a major organizational structure adjustment and was split into three independently operated entities: Guangzhou Oriental Sports Equipment Factory, Guangzhou Table Tennis Board Factory, and Guangzhou Badminton Racquet Factory.
The vase-shaped table tennis table with wooden legs produced by Dongfang Sports Equipment Factory was a standard product of many schools’ physical education equipment from the 1960s to the 1980s
Business license of Guangzhou Dongfang Sports Equipment Factory after independent operation
After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978, China's national sports industry ushered in a new era of revival and development. Guangzhou Dongfang Sports Equipment Factory (hereinafter referred to as "Dongfang Factory") quickly seized the opportunity of reform and opening up, optimized the management system, reshaped the organizational structure, strengthened product technology and quality management, standardized material supply and production processes, and strictly controlled process safety. Comprehensively carry out enterprise reform.
Since 1987, with the support of relevant national, provincial and municipal departments, Dongfang Factory has invested 1.05 million yuan⑦ in technological transformation, purchased advanced mechanical equipment and testing instruments, set up automatic production lines for wood drying rooms and table spraying, and renovated workshops. Significantly improved production scale and capabilities. These measures have greatly improved product quality and market competitiveness, making Dongfang Factory a designated factory for the production of sports equipment by the Ministry of Light Industry and the National Sports Commission, and rated as a "provincial advanced enterprise", specializing in the production of various competitions, training, fitness and group products. There are more than 80 kinds of sports equipment used in the activities, registered with "Doublefish Brand", "Evergreen Brand" and "Eagle Brand", which has injected new vitality into the development of China's sports industry.
The site of Oriental Sports Equipment Factory in the 1990s
Table tennis equipment product catalog
Ball equipment catalog
In 1987, as the Sixth National Games was about to be held in Guangdong Province, Dongfang Factory faced unprecedented technical challenges. With the strong support of superior departments, Dongfang Factory bravely took on the important task of developing and producing some key sports equipment for this sports event. This move greatly promoted the factory's technological innovation and productivity improvement. After nearly a year of unremitting efforts, Dongfang Factory successfully delivered 27 types of sports equipment for a total of 871 events, successfully completing the important tasks of the National Sports Commission and relevant provincial and municipal departments. The equipment provided includes folding table tennis tables, aluminum water polo goals and handball goals, etc., all of which have reached the advanced international standards of the 1980s.
The table tennis table, as the main product of the factory, has evolved from the original wooden leg design to iron legs through continuous technological iteration, and finally developed into an integrated folding third-generation product. Since the successful trial production of the "Doublefish PT2 Folding Table", it has won wide acclaim in various large-scale competitions at home and abroad.
In 1987, the Sixth National Games was held in Guangdong. Doublefish table tennis equipment made its debut in the top domestic competitions for the first time, providing a full set of competition equipment including table tennis and tables for the event.
The Doublefish folding steel structure used in the 6th National Games to lower the table tennis table
At the end of 1988, the "Doublefish PT2" folding table was officially approved by the ITTF as a table for international competitions, realizing the long-cherished wish of generations of Dongfang Factory since its establishment. This not only won Dongfang Factory an international reputation, but also marked that the Doublefish table will officially enter the highest stage of international competitive sports.
On November 4, 1989, the National Sports Equipment and Sports Clothing Conference and the "Sports Contribution Award" award ceremony were jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Light Industry, the Ministry of Textile Industry and the National Sports Commission. At this important meeting, Dongfang Factory won the "Sports Contribution Award" for its outstanding contribution to sports. This is not only an affirmation of Dongfang Factory’s long-term efforts and outstanding achievements, but also a significant recognition of its outstanding influence in the sports equipment industry.
Sports Contribution Award Medal